Thursday, January 29, 2009


This forum seems to be most helpful and valuable when issues are addressed. When personalities are involved the issues are frequently lost and the discussion degenerates into name-calling and worse. This forum can be, and usually is, an exercise in American democracy. Freedom of speech. Lets make an effort to address the issues in a manner that lends itself to productive and positive debate and discussion, and eventual resolution of the many problems that face us as a community. We really ARE all in this together. stating the facts as we know them, with accompanying documentation or credible references, should always be welcomed. Personal attacks and vendettas have no place here. Personal criticisms based on facts of public officials and their performances is fair game. It is part and parcel of their position and a healthy and necessary part of our democracy, as a part of the checks and balances process. Lets do our part, but do it conscientously and include ALL the facts as it pertains to the method and performance of our City officials.

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