Friday, January 30, 2009

let them eat cake

Billy has said that unemployment in Dade is probably around 10%. So he IS aware that people are hurting, and struggling. He has said that this expensive new gym would be even more important in this ever-deepening recession- people who cant afford day care, or a Ballys membership, or gas in their car, food on the table, or lights on in their house, would have a nice new gym to come to, to forget their troubles. It is the "Let them eat cake" theory, updated to 2009. It is also hopelessly out of touch with the average Springs family, where a nice new expensive gym is nice, but NOT necessary. Food on the table, gas in the care, lights on in the house, and taxes and insurance bills being paid are the necessary things our residents NEED. We do NOT need increased taxes, fees, and additional debts. This is a time for tightening our belts, making some sacrifices, and surviving - NOT going further into debt and hiring new employees, which further increase our costs and financial burdens. Billy just doesnt seem to get it.

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