Saturday, January 31, 2009

heat for cold places

JC Fairbanks: I believe there are small scale geo thermal systems that work something like have an area of heat absorbing material that heats up in the summer months and the stored heat is then used in winter. There is a place in Okotoks Alberta that has 52 homes heated this way. (Drake Landing) Here is a quote...

" 800 solar panels attached to garage roofs.

The black panels transfer solar heat to an antifreeze solution that is relayed by underground pipe to a central heat exchanger.

There, the antifreeze passes its heat to storage tanks full of water. During warmer months, the hot water is stored in boreholes sunk 37 metres beneath a town park. The water warms up the surrounding soil to temperatures as high as 80C. During winter, the heated soil acts as a kind of subterranean furnace, warming up water that is then circulated to homes. " Thomas Ashby, Calgary (Sent Friday, January 30, 2009 12:38 AM

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