Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Other than a recall petition I know of no other way to stop them. There is a petition circulating around town to insure that the residents get a vote on any annexation issues that come up. That would effect their abilities to push ANOTHER ill-advised project thru-AGAIN. Our City IS being run into the ground, just as our nation is being run into the ground, by stupid/greedy/crooked (your choice, or all of the above) officials. We need to continue exposing their backroom deals to the public light. They have no conscience so they are almost IMPOSSIBLE to embarrass or shame. Between the control-freak City Manager and the blindly ambitious Council pursuing their personal legacies at the residents expense, there is PLENTY that they should apologize for, but their oversized egos will not allow that. So we get to remind them of their many screwups, giveaways, and poor judgement and management on a regular basis, in hopes that people will remember in April, at least. Everyone has a role- their role is to mismanage every project and disappear all of our tax dollars so they can raise our taxes and fees. Our job is to expose them for the blindly ambitious, greedy, and power-hungry control freaks they are, until the police come and take them away or the people revolt. One or the other is inevitable. The only question is whether that will be BEFORE we go bankrupt, or afterward. Petitions ARE circulating regarding annexation and the people having a voice in that process.

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