Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I too believe that john McCain is a good, honest man. We just have differences in how we see the world, its problems, and its solutions. With all of those Big Oil executives running his campaign it is easy to see why he believes that more drilling is the answer to our energy crisis. let Big Oil drill on the 68 million acres they now have access to. Alternative energy would be competition for Big Oil so its no wonder that little emphasis is given to it by Republicans. Any drilling we would start today would have ZERO effect for 7-10 years on oil prices. Nuclear energy, while relatively clean, has the issue of spent fuel rods, multi-billion dollar construction costs, and public safety. Clean coal would be great, IF there was any such thing. There is cleaner coal but as scrubbers and washes are added the costs go up significantly, making them impractical. We CANNOT drill our way out of this, altho some selective drilling should be a part of an overall energy plan. This debate and discussion is great. Do you think this could happen in Russia? China? Cuba? No way. This is AMERICAN democracy at its best!

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