Tuesday, October 7, 2008

bathrooms redux

What are the final numbers on the bathrooms? The over/under was 500k and at last look it was over 414k. That was well over six months ago however. I am sure they have cost overruns of at LEAST 500k! That would put the total costs of these TWO little bathrooms at close to $500 a square foot, and almost exactly FOUR TIMES what it actually costs! Where did all that money go? That is approximately 360k that has disappeared into SOMEBODYs pocket! We KNOW it should only cost 140k to build those bathrooms, and INCLUDES a fat 25% profit for the builder. TWO YEARS later and 360k over budget, are they open yet? Are there any mop sinks or water fountains yet? Can you imagine what the new gym project will be? Incredibly botched by the City Manager from start to finish- AGAIN.

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