Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Does anybody know if its true that they FORGOT to design sewer hookups to the bathrooms? This IS new construction, right? They could, and should, have designed it into the original floorplan, right? These ARE bathrooms, right? Bathrooms need sewer, water, and electric hookups, right? What kind of total idiot could FORGET hookups to the bathrooms? If true,Gym has raised the usual level of incompetence to a NEW level! Not only are we paying $400 a square foot so far, but they are years over deadline and have no sewer hookups! For most people sewer hookups are a pretty BASIC requirement, no? Of what possible value are bathrooms WITHOUT sewer hookups? Perhaps Gym was thinking of septic tanks for these bathrooms. Is that possible? There IS no rational reasoning for this, another city debacle. We are talking about ineptitude, incompetency, and idiocy with a capital I ! not to mention Incredibly expensive! Above and beyond their usual levels of inadequacy, which is considerable and nothing to be underestimated, this is mind-boggling mismanagement! How many times and in how many ways does this have to be said before changes in management are made? Do we have to be bankrupt FIRST? This is absurd, pathetic, pervasive.

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