Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Are there actually people out there who believe that Mr Santana posts on this bulletin board and complains about the free rent, taxes and utilities he gets? I think not.

I prefer to think of these interactions and discussions as rays of sunlight being shone into the dark abcesses and crevasses of City government. Little rays of hope that can expose the crooks, hopelessly hapless, control freaks, and incompetent ones amid the large majority of hardworking and honest employees of the City. We are in a recession and can no longer afford the luxury of overlooking their ongoing serial stupidities with our tax dollars. When does it end? Ever? No end is in sight. It is absurd. Ridiculous. Insane. Criminal? You choose.

This was in response to the poster who said those of us who complain about being robbed were just whining and complaining. They were ABSLOUTELY RIGHT ! I protest every time I get mugged. The ones who dont complain are the muggers themselves, it seems to me, until somebody complains about them stealing again.

Then the muggers/thieves whine and complain about the people who refuse to sit idly by while their money is stolen. I have NO use for robbers or thieves. NONE.

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