Wednesday, July 23, 2008

more taxpayer giveaways

Is it true that the residents have been paying for Mr Santana's electricity for the past couple years, well over 90k out of the taxpayers pocket? Isnt it true that we are STILL paying for his electricity? Who is responsible for yet another fiasco? Gym? The buck certainly stops at his desk on payday, why not any other day? MORE incompetent mismanagement.. and the beat goes on.... is there ANYTHING we havent given him, or at least, TRIED to give him? A new car, perhaps? a new house? the golf course? Peavy field? We dont really have many more things we havent already given away.. tennis courts are gone, pool is already given away to nonresidents and other private interests ... whats left that benefits the RESIDENTS? We get the privilege of paying for everything with our taxes, and then paying again if we actually want to USE those facilities. One fiasco for the taxpayers after another, nonstop... will this NEVER cease? HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in our taxes have disappeared and more is disappearing every day, the latest example being the bathrooms. Does ANYBODY believe the final tally on those TWO bathrooms will be LESS than 500k? A quarter million dollars, EACH, or more, for BATHROOMS. Pathetic. Pitiful. Pathologically implausible/impossible.

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