Thursday, July 24, 2008

criminal malfeasance

The letter in the Gazette this week is RIGHT on the MONEY. They are going to raise the milledge rate today to help pay for the new gym since the property tax revenues are dropping like a rock along with property assessments. Construction has fallen off a cliff, unemployment is up, gas is over 4 bucks a gallon, and we are in a recession. How in the world did the Mayor and Council decide THIS is the perfect time to go several MILLIONS of dollars into debt? That makes NO fiscal sense. NONE. ZERO. ZIP. NADA. Can it be that they really ARE trying to bankrupt us? This IS the way, if that is their goal. At risk of repeating myself, NOBODY can be THAT stupid, can they? Whats next? a bridge to nowhere? Colossal, calamitous, catastrophic (for the residents) lack of ANY common sense. TOTAL disregard for the majority of the taxpayers. This should be investigated by somebody for criminal malfeasance,negligence and STUPIDITY !

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