Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Wall Street step in the right direction

Fix No. 1: Start the 'perp walks'
No one on Main Street trusts Wall Street anymore, and you can't blame them after what's happened. This is a huge problem because the Street is supposed to channel money to the entrepreneurs who invest it to create businesses and jobs that keep our economy rollicking. This won't happen when so many people prefer cash to stocks. To restore confidence, we need lots of "perp walks" to prove that those who committed fraud are being rooted out and punished. Not long ago, after another set of scandals, seeing ex-Enron CEO Kenneth Lay and former Adelphia Communications chief John Rigas paraded on TV in handcuffs helped restore confidence that the system would be cleaned up.
We need the same assurances now. News releases about what the FBI may do aren't enough. President Bush needs to direct his attorney general to set up a task force that draws on the resources of the main law enforcement and regulatory bodies, just as he set up a corporate-fraud task force to deal with the last round of fraudulent behavior. The first of 5 necessary steps toward stability.

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