Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain commentary

What are McCains deeds, really? He has admitted to voting with Bush on at least 90% of his votes. That is not a maverick, much more like a conservative Republican/Bush party-line follower. He, like most Republicans for the last century, has been for small government and deregulation all along that allowed the rich to loot the economy to the point of us being in an international crisis! I believe he is a decent man and probably honest, altho I have my doubts about the honesty of ANY politician, in any party, these days. I am concerned about his ties with Big Oil. Big Oil is not going to push for energy alternatives that might put them out of business and probably explains why McCain has no real energy plan, other than more drilling and nuclear power, both of which will be of NO benefit for the next 8-10 years. Thats how long it will take for either one of those options to become viable and productive. In the meantime I refuse to just turn over my paycheck to the Big Oil companies and pay whatever they want. We CANNOT drill our way out of this energy crisis. The Bush policies that he has followed so closely obviously hasnt worked. We need a new direction, a new game plan.

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