Monday, July 7, 2008

Podgor, an impartial consultant

I agree that Dotson was on target with his request for an impartial party to evaluate those areas in question. I have herad from a knowledgeable source that DERM has the best records of the dumps and their pollution BUT may not be completely unbiased on their reporting. We should have an independent evaluator who has NO contracts or other business with the County make this evaluation. Aerodex is gone, out of business. Who would pay for their property? IF the FEC property is among the worst polluted would the County make FEC clean it up? A comprehensive analysis could take over a year and cost a million or more, easily, according to a knowledgeable source. We need an unimpeachable and unbiased investigator to give us the truth about the pollution in those areas. Dotson mentioned Joe Podgor, as he is a local authority on environmental issues and has considerable knowledge about these issues from his time on the MS Ecology Board. I have heard he had a meeting back in 2003 with Bain and Richard Ventura and raised several pertinent questions at that time regarding the pollution issues at hand on these properties. Even though he was appointed by Billy to the Eco board and spent 25 years there, he is no longer Chairman of the Ecology Board and therefore has NO political axe to grind. AND he cares about Miami Springs, having grown up and lived here most of his life. He also has forty years of experience working as an Environmental spokesman in a number of different administrative and field capacities. We should ask him if he is interested in looking into this for us, as a consultant.

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