Thursday, May 29, 2008

questions about The Black Hole that our taxes disappear into

It took over 18 months to complete the CC addition and that was 520 square feet. It has taken NINE months so far to complete two bathrooms at 558 square feet each, and I'm not sure they are even completed NOW (where are the water fountains and the mop sink?). Can you IMAGINE how long it will take to build a 32,000 square foot structure? In addition, roughly $300,000 DISAPPEARED from the CC project and ANOTHER $200,000 has DISAPPEARED from the bathroom projects (over and above the usual and customary costs). How much do you think will DISAPPEAR on a 32,000 foot gym project? MILLIONS, of our hard-earned tax dollars will DISAPPEAR into somebody's pockets, just like before, over and over, one expensive change order after another.

When will it end? When we are bankrupt? When we have been bled dry? When even higher taxes, fees, and freezes cannot keep up with this monumental wastefulness? Have they NO EMBARRASSMENT or SHAME? The Council seems blissfully oblivious to the consequences of their actions, and that can be understood because its NOT their money they are flushing and they, therefore, do NOT feel the pain. We, the people, will feel the fiscal pain for DECADES.

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