Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Green Glossary: Yard Waste

Green Glossary: Yard Waste
By Mickey Z.
Astoria, NY, USA | Wed May 06 06:30:00 EDT 2009

Composting | Green Glossary | Lawn Care | Organic Gardening Tips | Waste Disposal | Zero Waste

Yard waste refers that part-solid waste that's composed of grass clippings, leaves, twigs, branches, and other garden refuse. Such waste has the potential to become runoff and subsequently contaminate waterways. To prevent this, avoid blowing lawn clippings into the street or dumping them down the storm drain. In addition, "do not pile yard wastes and tree branches on storm drains. If possible, wait to put them out until the night before your yard trash pick up and make sure that they are placed on the grass, not the driveway or any other any impervious surfaces."

Yard waste, however, can be easily transformed into green energy. Grasscycling is "the natural recycling of grass by leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. Grass clippings will quickly decompose, returning valuable nutrients to the soil."

Composting not only results in yard waste reduction but also methane reduction. Think of your compost as free (and vastly superior) fertilizer that will create both better soil and a healthier garden.

And remember, a yard is a terrible thing to waste...

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