Tuesday, January 6, 2009

whiteout concerns

Several copies (30? or more) of the daily logs have forms that appear to have had whitout applied to them at some point. The lines that seperate the brackets are missing about an inch at the left of the form, and again missing at the box for the total numbers at the right of the form. A handful have had obvious whiteout applied but it IS possible that a whited-out form was copied several times and used for a month or so to document the daily logs, as the lines missing beneath the categories (resident adult, child, senior, aerobics, swim lessons, etc.) that seprerate the different categories are missing in about the same lengths and in the same places in most of the forms. So it has become less clear if whiteout was used every day or a copied form that had previously been whited out was used for 4 or 5 weeks. It IS clear that whiteout had been used on the forms at some point, but at WHAT point is hard to ascertain. Good management should have noticed the possible appearances of daily whiteout, if it wasnt being used daily, and ordered clean forms to be used. That apparently didnt happen for over a month, in a best case scenario for the management.

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