Friday, January 23, 2009

Group 3 filing

City Clerk today said that those with advanced degrees cannot run a campaign that discloses their title. That is very curious as others have run using the titles they have earned, and Dr. Johnson ran last time using his title on his signs. Dr. Johnson filed papers today to run for Group 3, which is now occupied by Mr. Garcia. The resident is running as a fiscal conservative - live within your budget, like most Americans do- why not our government? He also believes that the people should be able to vote on the major longterm BIG issues that confront our City. In addition, it is his contention that the Mayor and Council have a right and an obligation to supervise and oversee the City Manager, holding him accountable for his actions, or lack of same. Everybody should be accountable, but if they arent, they need to be looking for a new job.

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