Friday, January 23, 2009


The Gazette once again acts as a PR subsidiary of the City, regurgitating the questionable resume word for word, as if it was accurate and confirmed. I ask again, can a variance be requested for a building that doesnt even exist yet? Isnt there a conflict of interest if the Council that decided to build a new gym bill is also the ones deciding whether to grant a variance? When, if ever, is the Council going to do anything close to DUE DILIGENCE with regard to annexation? Perhaps pollution issues, mitigation fees, zoning questions, and the disposition of the FEC properties are not important to the other communities involved, but they ARE to MS residents. Why would we annex polluted properties? One multi-million dollar cleanup would wipe out ANY possible benefits we might receive. Only if the County would stipulate, in writing, that THEY would be responsible for any cleanups needed, would this part of annexation make ANY sense. Dr. Mel Johnson

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