Tuesday, January 13, 2009

campaign takes shape

Looks like the political races are taking shape. Those who are interested in change will get a chance to have their voice heard, as there will be clear choices available. It looks like a resident is going to run against Mr. Garcia. The incumbent will have the advantages of his position and a LOT of money, but stranger things have happened, as we have seen lately, and BIG obstacles have been overcome on the road to changing the fiscal irresponsiblity of the status quo. We shall see. The mud-slinging has already started, however, as it is rumored that an incumbent has already called another candidate a "communist" for some reason. Imagine that! A card-carrying communist right here in our midst! Did the accused advocate the government takeover of any and all businesses? Call for the execution of his political foes? Want to install himself as leader-for-life? This campaign should be run on the ISSUES. Lets not allow this to degenerate into a mud-slinging conflict where there WILL BE no real winners. Those who resort to slinging mud usually do it because they have no new ideas to offer. To cover their lack of originality or the presence of previous blunders, they attack the others ideas or personality. Lets hope this campaign will stick to the issues and leave the name-calling to the children.

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