Thursday, January 15, 2009

campaign comments

Can it be that Mr. Garcia has ALREADY started his "Vote for me, Im Latin" campaign that he usually does? In these times of recession, fiscal conservatism is what the City needs and the residents wont really care about the ethnicity of whoever saves them money. His "Money is no object", and "Costs are irrelevent" approach will come back to haunt him, and us, down the road. It seems he has already started calling others communists too. He seriously underestimates the residents, as they are too aware for that smear campaign because he offers, and has, NO proof! NONE. NADA. ZERO. Just scare tactics. How long will it be before opponent yard signs start missing? Will Mr Garcia AGAIN be forced to exercise his nonexistent public obligations as a Councilman (and apparently zoning inspector too) to remove ONLY the yard signs of his opponents? Stay tuned.

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