Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Save Rain Water

Why save Rain Water….

Only ¼ inch of rain is needed to fill a 60 gallon barrel. Sixty gallons can cover about 100 square feet with 1 inch of water. This can go along way in offsetting garden needs in the spring and summer months when water consumption increases anywhere between 20 and 200%. Capturing rain water in a barrel before it hits the ground decreases storm water run-off, which otherwise carries pollutants from paved surfaces into groundwater and rivers. Furthermore - you can save money by saving water - if your water is supplied by your town and you also use town sewer - more often than not the sewer usage is measured by your incoming water. In Boston for every $1.00 we pay for the water to come in, we are charged $2.00 for sewer usage - even if the water is not being flushed out. So you are still paying sewer fees on the water that you use to water your lawn, garden, fill your pool and wash your car! SAVE RAINWATER and SAVE MONEY!

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