Monday, September 15, 2008

alternative fuels


HOUSTON, TX, August 12, 2008 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- Concerned about high energy prices, many Americans are demanding increased implementation of alternative energy solutions such as wind power, ocean wave electricity and solar energy. However, despite the calls for change, many of these technologies have not been implemented on a broad scale, mainly due to politics and the overwhelming influence of special interest groups.

One such example is the Lever Operated Pivoting Float, created by Swell Fuel. The patent-pending device uses a pivoting float and a lever arm that unfolds to capture the up and down motion of ocean waves, producing electricity in the process.

“There’s a big misconception that this type of technology is some concept that’s years away from being implemented,” says Christopher Olson, inventor and founder of Swell Fuel.

“However, ocean wave energy is available right now but falling on deaf ears because too many people are continuing to accept the status quo,” he adds.

The frustrations continue to mount for companies like Swell Fuel, as evidenced by the recent stalemate by Congress to extend tax credits for renewable energy investments that expire at the end of the year.

Olson warns that if significant change is not implemented soon, we will soon reach the “tipping point of no return.”

“During the oil shock of the seventies, many inventors worked tirelessly to create change but were ignored and underfunded,” he says. “Unless we take immediate action, history will repeat itself and lots of great inventions and technologies will fall by the wayside.”
Licensed in several Central American countries, Swell Fuel’s ocean wave energy converters are efficient and easy to use. In fact, Olson claims that just about anyone is capable of assembling one of his pivoting floats.

“If you can put a bicycle together, you’ll be able to assemble one of these,” he notes.

Although the prototypes vary in size and scale, Olson believes his technology can be used to eventually produce at least 100 Kilowatts per hour with only one device.

He is urging others to demand action for not just his technology, but other renewable energy solutions like it that are currently available for use.

“We cannot wait around hoping that the person next to us will do something,” he says. “Everyone needs to get involved -- time is running out.”

For more information, visit

Chris Olson

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