Thursday, September 25, 2008

pool info needed


Before things get nasty again about this issue, Could the following question please be answered once and for all: Is the team that swims in our pool from the Springs? Is there a record of the how many children are on that team that actually live here? If not, why would they be listened to during our budget meetings? Could someone please clarify if this is a City sponsored team or one from Doral or a privately owned business? It keeps getting posted that they pay no fees, that they are from outside and that we are footing the bills for them. If they are a City sponsored Springs entity, then maybe the expenses can be justified. Is there any official information on this? I am not adverse to supporting programs in our city, but in these days of limited available funds, I would like to take care of those with the biggest impact on our residents before those from the outside. Excellent questions all. What are the answers? Has the City EVER sponsored the swim team OFFICIALLY ? Not that I remember, but we HAVE been subsidizing them for yesrs by letting them use the pool for free. We would save a LOT of money if we closed the pool down and carried the swimmers over to Hialeah in that jitney that nobody uses. Building endurance and discipline can be done just as easily in Hialeah, and at a LOT lower cost to us. Who DOES have these answers? FOI might be helpful.

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