Saturday, September 27, 2008

Council is an embarrassment

A Rolls Royce would improve my quality of life, for a while anyway, until I went bankrupt trying to pay for it. So I drive what I can afford instead, because I dont have the option to raise more money anytime I have charged too much and my bank account reads zero, like the Council. Those who are waiting with bated breath for the new gym are the contractors, who will get RICH, at the residents expense. As they have done in the past, the constant change orders and cost overruns will TRIPLE the proposed costs of 6.8 million, at least, and will take FIVE years to complete this robbery. Bankrupting the City will not enhance anybodys quality of life except the contractors and whatever Councilmembers who are on the take. This Council's legacy will be the ones who allowed this disaster to happen- A Council of Colossal Calamity, so to speak. Greed, corruption, and blind ambition have brought down WaMu and several other large enterprises from Wall Street to Main Street. This is just a small slice of that, but one that is personal and hurtful because its our little hometown thats affected. Wall Street is far away and we cant fix them, but we CAN fix this little piece of the pie. Keep Dotson and dump the rest!

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