Tuesday, September 2, 2008

blind man's bluff

One poster says annexation is back on the table; another says all but 2 are against it- who is telling the truth? VG has spoken to the land owners and looked at the property taxes in the areas under consideration but apparently there has been NO discussion of pollution, mitigation fees, or zoning as a part of their due diligence on their part. Perhaps Mayor Deno, like Mayor Bain, considers those issues, along with the boundaries, to be inconsequential and irrelevent; in which case we have the blind leading the severely visually impaired. Mayor Bain has already demonstrated that DUE DILIGENCE is merely a quaint idea to him with no real obligation or intention on his part to actually DO any of it. Could it be that Mayor Deno has learned too well from Mayor Bain? Or is this just a blind man's bluff?

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