Tuesday, June 17, 2008

penny wise

An article in the Gazette made an interesting point when it noted that the Council, on one hand, refuses to give the City Clerk more thana 1% raise to her 90k salary, citing budget cuts and restraints, while voting to spend 6.4 MILLION for a new gym. How do YOU spell Penny Wise, Pound Foolish? Another case of fiscal irresponsibility. The front page headline states that the City is "moving forward" on the annexation issue without one mention of the POLLUTION issues involved in that proposal. We are moving forward alright, right over the cliff, led by those who refuse to listen and have no vision. Its readily apparent they easily have the whole trifecta covered. Its ironic that this Charge of the Ultra Light Brigade is led by someone who supposedly "listens". Bullfeathers!! He stopped listening to the people a LONG time ago, about the time he sold out to special interests. His Legacy will be one of bankruptcy and pain for the people. Apparently he doesnt care anymore because he has stopped listening, if he really EVER did. Its a sad situation. Mostly sad for the residents who will be stuck with the bills long after this Council has moved on to easier pickings and greener pastures.

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