Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Wouldnt it be prudent to look at the pros and cons of the zoning and pollution issues BEFORE dividing up whatever land may become available? If either one of the issues makes annexation not feasible dividing up the land would be a waste of time, no? We need someone who is familiar with the environmental issues to advise us on this from an unbiased, realistic perspective. In addition, we need some clear guidance from the County regarding the control of the zoning problem, and to look at both the positive and negative potentials of this proposal.
Of course, this would entail doing DUE DILIGENCE, something the Council is incapable of, and has refused to do lately. It is the City's right and responsibility to do DUE DILIGENCE before making any MAJOR decision but since they failed us miserably on the new gym issue how could we POSSIBLY expect them to attempt it on this issue? THEY WONT. The message is clear- they know best and will decide FOR us what we want and need, without bothering us with a vote. They will decide which options are important and which ones will be looked at seriously, saving the residents the time and energy to actually look at and discuss ALL THE OPTIONS. Remember, these are the guys who graduated at the TOP of their class at clown school and never met a construction cost they couldnt TRIPLE, at least.

Personally, I dont see the County giving us valuable land and income they could use with THEIR budget cuts and belt-tightening.

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