Sunday, June 1, 2008

let the People vote

A debacle followed by a disaster and a fiasco.. one expensive change order after another.. forgotten water, sewer, and electric hookups.. HUGE cost overruns in EVERY project for OVER thre years.. How many of our tax dollars will have to disappear before we say ENOUGH!! Paying AT LEAST TRIPLE the usual and customary costs for every project we do.. its ridiculous. I am willing to bet that neither one of the Council, nor the City Manager, pay TRIPLE for house renovations, repairs, additions, or hookups at their own personal residences. Why do they pay that with OUR tax money? They are hopelessly out of touch with the needs of the residents. I say again, residents live within THEIR means, why not the City? The City Council doesnt even PRETEND to be interested in getting the best deal for the residents anymore. If they did, they would look at ALL the options (due diligence), but that didn't happen as the Council is more interested in fulfilling their own legacies than looking out for the resident's needs. Why not let the people vote? If you are so sure its what a majority want? then the issue will be settled, once and for all. What are they AFRAID of?

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