Monday, June 9, 2008

hard times ahead - part 2

We are in a recession..."One thing to keep in mind here is that many of our existing revenue streams are 100% dependent on consumer-spending. As the general economy continues to stagnate, so do consumer-spending patterns. Decreased spending on gasoline can lead to reductions in state and local gas tax revenues. Reduced sales in general statewide can reduce sales tax revenues we receive from the state. Will residents cut back on heating and cooling costs, thereby reducing our franchise and utility fees? Will local businesses be forced to close and reduce our occupational licensing revenues? As interest rates fail to bolster the economy, how will this affect our return on the investment of our surplus funds?"Interofice memo - James Borgemann Feb 21, 2008
He acknowledges we are in a recession, 1.8 million behind on revenues, and "something will have to give". Yet, somehow, he and the Council decide this is the PERFECT time to go MILLIONS of dollars into debt. Apparently it is US, the taxpayers, who will be doing the giving ie increased garbage and trash fees, recreation fees, building permit fees, and occupational licenses, in addition to posible new user fees and increased millage rates. The belt tightening that needs to be done will apparently be done by the residents, not City officials. Leadership starts at the top so ALL senior officials should immediately take a 15 % pay cut as a show of leadership; or not, if they believe that the pain is only for others.
This is in response to two posts that cite fiscal problems in Boynton Beach and Tallahassee as a result of the recession. All City officials making over 100k per year should volunteer to take a 15% pay cut, effective immediately, as a demonstration of what it means to lead, to set the tone. Lead by example. Or not.

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