Sunday, August 23, 2009

bottled water pricy too

In flush times, the convenience of buying a bottle of water seemed to justify its $1-plus price. But some consumers are becoming more reluctant to cough up cash for something that comes virtually free from the tap -- especially because their bottled water may have originated there anyway.

In July, Congress held hearings to evaluate whether bottled water is any better than what comes from many Americans' home faucets. Turns out, about 45% of the bottled variety comes from municipal taps, although companies usually do additional filtering before sealing it up in clear plastic bottles.

Read more on Bing: Bottled water vs. tap water
With news like that leaking out, no wonder Americans are saving their cash. U.S. bottled water consumption leveled off in 2008, and many analysts think sales may begin to fall.

From MSN Money's message boards: "I refuse to buy water out," wrote "Sillymommie," adding that she balks at the $3 price that some places charge. "I bring my own."

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