Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Portland, Oregon Ranks Second In Poll

The survey evaluated municipal websites for their privacy, usability, content, service, and citizen participation and ranked the cities nationally. Five cities received the Municipal Web Portal Excellence Award: Washington DC, Portland, OR, New York, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. These cities will be awarded the Municipal Web Portal Excellence Awards at the Public Technology Institute’s Technology Solutions and Innovations Conference.

Portland scored second overall and was highly ranked in the categories of content and citizen participation. The City’s PortlandOnline website ( allows citizens to pay utility bills and businesses to get a license and pay taxes online.

PortlandMaps, its online GIS system, allows visual access to city neighborhoods, including demographic data; crime statistics; transit and bike routes; permitting activity; schools and parks; businesses; and capital projects among other features.

City of Portland bureaus and offices also use blog, comment, survey, and polling capabilities of the City’s web content management system to facilitate 24/7 interaction with the public. Many of these award‐winning features will be further enhanced over the coming months through a project to refresh the look, feel and usability of PortlandOnline; this project will involve the public in improving Portland’s online presence.

When can we look forward to some of these capabilities in the Springs?

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