Friday, April 17, 2009

questions persist

First I would like to hear the justification for the $275 that disappeared on the bathrooms and the $350k+ that disappeared on the CC addition. Once that has happened we can discuss the value of having MS residents provide a valuable historical service for MS residents for 20k. Or we can discuss the dugout covers that we built for 118k, and compare them to the dugout covers at Blessed Trinity that cost 3k each for bigger and better covers next to their basketball court. I would be happy to discuss ANY of those topics, here or at the Council meeting. Or we could discuss the several bids that " were obviously too low" and thrown out at the last Council meeting. WHO decided they were too low? On WHAT basis was that decided? WHAT exactly was the numbers on those bids and what did they include? How did those bids compare to the RFP? When will those bids be made public? Have a great Festival weekend. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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