Saturday, June 28, 2008

unconscious Council

Property values have significantly dropped, and taken the City's tax revenues with it, unemployment is up, and the country is in recession - our Council's response? Take on MILLIONS of dollars of debt. Are they unconscious? Oblivious? Or just dont care? Or perhaps a combination of all three. I dont know of anything that could be MORE fiscally irresponsible than this new gym project at this time, especially when there is an excellent alternative that will incur NO NEW DEBT. There have been warnings of job freezes, a 4-day work week, raised taxes and fees, and Draconian changes in the future but they go merrily on their way like it doesnt exist, like the realities everybody else has to face and live with do NOT apply to them, somehow. At some point in the near future reality will slap them upside the head and they will make a MILLION excuses,etc. but the damage will have already been done. They really DONT seem to care about us, tho, just getting their personal agendas realized, no matter WHAT the cost to US. Its sad, and pathetically short-sighted, at Best. Pathological and questionably criminal, at worst.

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