Friday, August 22, 2008

water conservation is the key

South Fla residents are among THE most wasteful in the state, using 179 gallons of water daily. Miami-Dade residents use 159.9 gallons per day. In comparison, Atlanta, another drought-stricken metropolis, uses 120 gallons per capita.
Sarasota County used water conservation techniques to lower their water consumption form 140 gallons per day to 90 gallons per day, per capita. The government there mandated water conservation using water-saving landscaping and conservation-pricing of its water resources. If every one of the 18 million residents of Fla could realize such a savings there would be nearly a billion gallons of water available every day that wasn't there before.
Other water conservation practices available today include retrofitting old toilets, which can save 29 gallons per day, low-flow shower heads, recycled water, and rain barrels.
In Seattle total water use has held steady since 1975, while the population has grown 30%, by using water conservation methods.
In Miami-Dade, leaky pipes alone cause a loss of ten million gallons per day.
Not one of the 51 ways to conserve water, that was prepared by a statewide task force in 2002, has been made into laws, with tough enforcement.
Miami Herald, Jan. 6, 2008, page 2L

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