Thursday, August 14, 2008

inflation rising, common sense falling

Thursday’s report on consumer inflation helps to confirm what many American households have suspected for months — that rising prices are forcing consumers to lower their standard of living to make ends meet.

U.S. consumer prices shot up faster than expected in July, fueling the biggest year-over-year jump in more than 17 years, according to the latest government data. Prices were 5.6 percent higher in July than they were a year earlier. Energy prices were up 29.3 percent for the year and food costs were 6 percent higher. Times are tough, and getting tougher. When is it going to finally sink in to our Mayor, Council, and city officials? Ever? I know, I know- let them eat cake. Well, the cost of cake is rising too. Energy prices are up 29.3% this year. Biggest jump in prices in 17 years! And our Council votes to take on MILLIONS more in debt? We will run a deficit this year and a BIGGER one next year! We cant pay the debts we have NOW, how can we expect to pay more bills? I repeat- stupid is as stupid does- F Gump. Forrest could teach the Mayor and Council a few things about common sense. This makes NO sense. Bain, Best, and Garcia are too focused on their legacies to listen tho, and the City Manager will facilitate this headlong rush into a historical citywide humiliation by wasting MILLIONS of our tax dollars on a new gym. Four hundred-to-six-hundred dollars costs per square foot will yield to THOUSANDS of dollars a square foot, and more, I predict. These are yours tax dollars and mine! Replace him, and the Council, before they bankrupt us!

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