Monday, August 4, 2008

incompetence or corruption? or both?

SHOULD cost overuns occur with the new gym project??????? OF COURSE they will. Cost overruns and change orders are built into the process, just like they were with the Country Club project AND the bathrooms. MANY costly change orders will be necessary because city officials have only given the contractors a sketch of what they would eventually like. They will design it as they go, and multiple change orders will occur due to that poor planning on the part of city officials. Dozens of errors will be made due to lack of planning and require change orders to fix them, leading to HUGE cost overruns, just like before. The most recent glaring errors from a lack of planning are the TWO-YEAR bathroom project- no water, electrical, or sewer hookups for BATHROOMS? $400 a square foot, so far? Paid 33k for a one-day, 5k in costs, project-sewer hookups are 8 bucks a linear foot, plus materials. Paid $38,500 for an elevation of both bathrooms that can comfortably be done for 6k, again in one day. Change orders, lack of planning leading to errors, and cost overruns are GUARANTEED in any project the City Manager is involved with. The facts speak for themselves. Repeated and continuous incompetence and ineptitude, at the very least. At worst....

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