Friday, July 18, 2008

wishing and hoping

What about the pollution, zoning, and mitigation costs associated with the annexation? Is there ANYBODY who is suggesting that those are trivial concerns? Wishing and hoping that there is no pollution, mitigation costs will be little or none, and that the County will keep the zoning as it is, doesnt make it so. Of course, actually addressing those issues would require DUE DILIGENCE, a process which is alien to City officials. Due DILIGENCE is their right as elected officials, and their responsibility to the residents to look into ALL aspects of any proposed project in order to get the best deal for the PEOPLE, not to pad their pockets and/or realize their personal and political agendas. They DONT, and WONT, do DUE DILIGENCE because it may interfere with their personal agendas. And they dont care if we know what they are, or arent, in the case of DUE DILIGENCE, doing. How do you spell arrogance? self-centered? smug?irresponsible? corrupt? deceptive ? incompetent? horribly mismanaged, at best?(your choice, any or ALL of the above).

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