Wednesday, July 30, 2008

poverty of Council common sense

Lets see, we lost 440k in revenue when the County took over The Water and Sewer Dept; we have added a new salary cost for a new Rec director; FPL will raise their rates to us by 12 %; automatic police pay increases will cost us $163,5000 more; COLA increases to general employees will cost us $86,950; health insurance will increase by 10-20%; elections will cost us 70k; AND we will owe an additional 130k in interest only payments for the new gym project. The City of Miami Springs will lose an estimated $279,305 THIS year and a projected $1,510,304 next year. New York City is projecting LARGE deficits out to 2012. Do THEY know something our illustrious city officials don't? Apparently yes. Revenues will be down and costs will be up, operating at a deficit already - does THAT sound like a time to take on MILLIONS more in debt? Moe, Larry, and Curly think the answer is to spend MORE money, go FURTHER into debt. Then ask the residents to come up with more money in higher millage rates, pleading poverty. Its like the kid who killed his parents and then threw himself at the mercy of the Court, asking for mercy because he was an orphan. If we allow Moe, Larry, and Curly bleed us dry financially with 400k+ bathrooms, etc. then we deserve to be bankrupt.

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