Thursday, March 19, 2009

36th street development

"Every part of the construction industry is overbuilt". WHAAAT? That comment makes NO sense!Thousands of construction workers are unemployed now, due to the steep recession. The people have made it crystal clear they dont want buildings higher than three stories in the City, so I would not consider any higher for the old Pino proposed property across from Brysons. The FAA has no problems with tall buildings along 36th street tho, up to 8 stories, and I believe looking at office condos or an office park along there would be a possible solution and add to our tax base, which would reduce our taxes. The annexation people are touting annexation for adding to our tax base, and that is certainly possible. 36th street has no pollution problems, mitigation fees, or zoning problems, unlike annexation, and could put a lot of construction workers back to work, (some of them local) which would help with the recession. For those reasons I would be in favor of taking a good hard look at that option. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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