Thursday, July 3, 2008


Local contractors should have the right to bid on local projects, as well as any other projects. Its capitalism. No problem there. To present yourself as an unbiased observer in making your comments, when in fact you DO have a substantial interest and stand to make BIG profits, is misleading and dishonest. At the VERY least state your self-interests up front so people can make an honest decision on the merits of your statements. Anything less is dishonest and self-serving. Honest local contractors we need. Dishonest and deceptive contractors make me wonder about their work and billing practices. If they will be deceptive and misleading even in their public statements, what will they do in their private transactions? Could they bill us for work that wasnt done? Substandard materials? Could they bill us for considerably more hours than was actually worked? Those types of deceptive public statements do not exactly engender a public trust. There is NO intent to slander any honest contractors. There IS a concern about those that are not honest and upfront with us from the beginning. Its becoming a troubling pattern of behavior.

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